Featured Annuities

The Fisher Agency

Danny Fisher, CLU, ChFC
President     1-800-822-1450

Financial Advisors Since 1975

Phone Numbers and Map

13140 Coit Road, Suite 102  Dallas, TX 75240-5797

Home PageTop 10 PageForms 

June 4 , 2024

Top Choice 5

Current Rate 



Rate Guaranteed for 5 Years

Minimum: $10,000

After the initial 5 year guarantee period, the interest rate is based on current market conditions, but will never be less than 1.00%.

Surrender charges expire at the end of the 5 year period forever.


New Era Life Insurance Company
Philadelphia American Life
New Era Life of the Midwest

Form # A-0065



Secure Rate 10

Current Rate  



Rate Guaranteed for 10 Years

Minimum: $5,000

After the initial 10 year period, he interest rate is based on current market conditions, but will never be less than 3.00%.  

Surrender charges are renewed for subsequent renewal periods.

Heartland National Life Insurance Company



The Fisher Agency markets the featured annuities for sale in Texas.  Rates and features are applicable for Texas.