Featured Annuities

The Fisher Agency

Danny Fisher, CLU, ChFC
President     1-800-822-1450

Financial Advisors Since 1975

Phone Numbers and Map

13140 Coit Road, Suite 102  Dallas, TX 75240-5797

Home PageTop 10 PageForms 

July 3 , 2024

Top Choice 5

Current Rate 



Rate Guaranteed for 5 Years

Minimum: $10,000

After the initial 5 year guarantee period, the interest rate is based on current market conditions, but will never be less than 1.00%.

Surrender charges expire at the end of the 5 year period forever.


New Era Life Insurance Company
Philadelphia American Life
New Era Life of the Midwest

Form # A-0065



SafeGuard Plus® 5

Current Rate on 7/24/2024



Rate Guaranteed for 5 Years

Minimum: $10,000

After the initial 5 year period, he interest rate is based on current market conditions, but will never be less than 1.00%.  

Surrender charges are renewed for subsequent renewal periods.

Farmers Life Insurance Company



The Fisher Agency markets the featured annuities for sale in Texas.  Rates and features are applicable for Texas.