Ann - Own by
Co Practice
Penalties are waived upon the death of the annuitant; however, the company is currently waiving charges upon the death of the owner.
Ann <-70
Penalties are waived upon the death of the annuitant ages 0-70 or for ages 71+ if annuitized for a five-year payout option.
Ann <A-75
A76+ Ann5Y
Penalties are waived upon the death of the annuitant ages 0-75 or for ages 76+ if annuitized for a five-year payout option.
Ann or Own
Penalties are waived upon the death of either the annuitant or the owner in the amount of the last anniversary value.
AnnuitantPenalties are waived upon the death of the annuitant.
Age <-74
Penalties are waived upon the death of the annuitant or the owner ages 0-74 only.
> Pol/CumVal
Penalties are waived upon the death of the annuitant for an amount equal to the greater of the accumulation value or the contract value.
Age <-75
Penalties are waived upon the death of the annuitant ages 0-75 only.
Age <-76
Penalties are waived upon the death of the annuitant ages 0-76 only.
MVA Only
Only the MVA is waived upon the death of the annuitant; other surrender charges apply.
Pol Yr4+
Penalties are waived upon the death of the annuitant only after the fourth contract year.
Penalties are waived upon the death of the annuitant in the amount of the last anniversary value.
Principal Only
Penalties are waived upon the death of the annuitant for the principal of the contract with no accumulated interest.
w/10Yr P/O
Penalties are waived upon the death of the annuitant if a payout period of ten years is chosen.
w/5Yr P/O
Penalties are waived upon the death of the annuitant if annuitized for a five year payout option.
w/6 Mos
Penalties are waived only for six months after the death of the annuitant. If not submitted in that time frame, then MVA charges apply.
Gain Ins
Term Life insurance to offset the 28% tax on gain is offered for a deductible monthly premium based on age.
N/APenalty waiver is not applicable to this contract
NOPenalties are not waived in the event of death.
O/A <A-80
A81+ 3Yr Opt
Penalties are waived upon the death of the owner or the annuitant for ages 0-80 or ages 81+ if annuitized for a three-year payout option.
Own or Ann
MVA Only
Upon the death of the annuitant or the owner the negative MVA adjustment only is waived.
Own or Ann
90 Days
Penalties are waived only for 90 days upon the death of the owner or the annuitant.
Own or Ann
PYrV 90Days
Penalties are waived for 90 days after the death of either the owner or the annuitant in the amount of the last contract anniversary value.
Own or Ann
w/1 5YrPO
Penalties are waived upon the death of either the owner or the annuitant after contract year one if annuitized for a five-year payout option.
Own or Ann
with 5YrPO
Penalties are waived upon the death of either the owner or the annuitant if annuitized for a five-year payout option..
OwnerPenalties are waived upon the death of the owner.
Penalties are waived upon the death of the owner in the greater of the last contract anniversary value or the minimum guaranteed value.
Age <-79
Penalties are waived upon the death of the owner ages 0-79only.
Age <-80
Penalties are waived upon the death of the owner ages 0-80 only.
Owner or
Penalties are waived upon the death of the owner or the annuitant.
Penalties are waived upon the death of the owner for an amount equal to the greater of the accumulated value or contract value at the minimum rate guarantee.
Prem Only
Penalties are waived upon the death of the owner for the amount of the total premium paid with no accumulated interest.
Penalties are waived upon the death of the owner in the amount of the last contract anniversary value.
w/5Yr PO
Penalties are waived upon the death of the owner if a payout period of five years is chosen.
Penalties are waived upon the death of the owner but the Market Value Adjustment will apply.
w/Opt Rider
Penalties are waived upon the death of the owner if the rider option is chosen at the time of purchase only.